
[ENG transll. scr.] THEO ~ In The Depths of The Night, With You ~

[ENG transll. scr.] THEO ~ In The Depths of The Night, With You ~


[ENG transll. scr.] THEO ~ In The Depths of The Night, With You ~ってどんなボイス作品?

~Relive the memories spun by two lonely hearts seeking solace under the moonlight~
The main part of this work is the reminiscence of the heroine who made use of the co-sleeping service. In order to create a track structure where the heroine remembers the events of her time with Theo the timeline is intentionally switched.
We recommend that you listen to the tracks as is and if you’d like one more time in the chronological order. We think you might enjoy the different impressions. ♪ Theo Yuuki 20 years old (turning 21 this year)
He is a mysterious young man with well-defined features that make his caucasian ancestry apparent——a tall nose a pair of bright green eyes tousled cappuccino-brown hair a tall and lean body with broad shoulders standing at 185cm——even though it was never known to anyone or himself who or where his father was.
Theo did not have a happy childhood. He was raised by a mother who was unwilling to love another being other than herself so he was often neglected. Despite this sad past he grew up to be a sympathetic person kind enough to care for others at a distance since he would still choose to keep himself guarded at all times.
After graduating from high school his mother kicked him out of the house and left the juvenile to fend for himself. With no home to return to and no close confidants to ask for help he hid his real age and started working as a host.
Right from the beginning this lifestyle proved to be harsh for a youngster such as himself. In just six months he decided to quit and look for something better. But just before he could do it the manager closed shop and took everything with him——leaving Theo and the others virtually penniless.
As it was the young man was forced to roam the busy streets…hungry cold and in the verge of mentally and physically breaking apart. That was when the owner of the ‘co-sleeping house’ found him. He took him in and cared for him until he was able to recover.
Since the owner helped him without asking for anything in return Theo wanted to repay his kindness so he asked to be allowed to work in the bed-sharing business to do so. The owner complied but wished for Theo to live his life for himself so the young man enrolled in the university and began to think of his future.
With his attractive physique and standout looks Theo remains popular with the ladies even though he did not associate himself with them or with anyone too closely. He still preferred to keep to himself and chose not to partake in any circle or club activities or belong to any of them. For him minimum contact is fine as long as he is not regarded as a social outcast. He wanted to study so it was all he ever did.
It was a mundane life for him until his first night at the co-sleeping house finally came… You were once dealing with depression after breaking your heart from a previous relationship. It had gotten to a point where it was difficult to sleep even as you scrambled to pull yourself together. When you tried to bury the pain in the deep recesses of your heart it would come right back at you and haunted your exhausted mind relentlessly. You were helpless.
You couldn’t sleep. You couldn’t dream. You felt suffocated and trapped.The agony of a lost love. The smothering stress at work. All the other things mixed together.It was a life in complete halt.
But you were able to overcome all of it…thanks to that person’s help.It was all because of him that you are back at your feet again.
In that inconspicuous place with a co-sleeping service you met him.And life started moving once more. In a quiet neighborhood a little step away from the bustling city lies a housing complex sheltering single men with special circumstances. A place where they need not pay rent nor utility bills. A home to go back to.
In such a place a co-sleeping service is run for those with lonely hearts who want to rest the night in the company of another. They provide comfort to guests and give them a peaceful and healing experience until the morning.
You are one of such guests and tonight the person who comes to help you is doing it for the first time. He appears to be a younger man but his eyes tell show deeper maturity. He treats you with great care. So kind you could cry sometimes clumsy sometimes overly indecent…
You soon find yourself healing from your wounds…but at the same time you were falling. The tone of his voice. The heat of his breath. The feel of his soft lips. The sensations he gives breathe life into you and you want to burn them in your memories.
As you get to know him more you begin to wonder if there’s anything you could do…for the two of you not to drown in the darkness of the night——in this intoxicatingly sweet embrace… 英語コンテンツは同梱されたPDFファイルのみで、メインコンテンツは対象外です。


[ENG transll. scr.] THEO ~ In The Depths of The Night, With You ~の評価

[ENG transll. scr.] THEO ~ In The Depths of The Night, With You ~はこんな人におすすめ

  • バイノーラル/ダミヘが好きな人
  • ASMRが好きな人
  • 連続絶頂に興味がある人

[ENG transll. scr.] THEO ~ In The Depths of The Night, With You ~の画像を紹介



[ENG transll. scr.] THEO ~ In The Depths of The Night, With You ~の感想とレビュー

  • 投稿者


    クールではあります。 可愛い女の子の信頼を得て、純粋に気持ちよくさせたいという紳士な方にうってつけの良作だと思います。 レビューを見て購入。 アンドロイド系の要素のヒロインが好きな方はぜひ。 ありがとうございました。

  • 投稿者


    液状の変化に富む特性を利用しており、射精するたびにその搾り液を水風船の中に保存する。 巻末に作者さんの嬉しいコメントが載っています。 軽快なノリで連発していきながらも、視点の近さを活かした描写は春香さんの息づかいさえも聞こえてきそうなほど「近い」エロスと中出しを堪能できます。

  • 投稿者


    今回は陵辱シーンはありませんが、前半は怪獣とマダムの戦闘シーン(苦戦シーン)、後半はエロガキからの調教シーンとなっており、アナザーストーリーとして見ごたえがあると思います。 寝取られた後ヒロインたちがどの状況そして主人公がどのような感じなのがエピローグ的なものがあって良かった。 こうなっても完全に快楽にハマっていってしまって良かったです。

  • 投稿者


    そこで、主人公は自分の性癖を認識し、ママに新たな暗示をかけます。 ドライな眼つきと態度になってます。 某変身ヒロインアニメの人気キャラによる二次創作マンガです。 拘束され、何度もイかされるシチュエーションがよかったです。

  • 投稿者


    特に、キスやおっぱいを揉まれただけで、ぐっちょりとスーツを濡らし糸を引いているオマンコに、少し恥ずかしがっているヒロインが可愛くてえっちぃです。 (寝込み襲って回復できる威厳なんかあるか) 前作は反抗することを覚えた妹のフェラチオで腰が抜けるまで抜かれる話でしたが、今作ではとうとう近親相姦に及びます。 エロが詰まっている。 が好きな人に見てほしい作品です。

  • 投稿者


    楽しく鑑賞しました。 前回とは違って今回は乳首をいじる側の女の子が焦点を当てられていて、こちらの視点も素晴らしいなと思いました。 大人っぽくて、濃艶な女性の美しさが感じられる紫色のアイラインがとても気に入りますね。

  • 投稿者


    某白い変身ヒロインさんがハメ撮りに挑む、連作ミニカラー漫画の3パート目です。 この作品は1姉と弟の近親相姦2姉がノーメイクでモブの容姿3姉の体も胸が大きくもなく陰毛も濃い といったようにややマニアよりな作品である。 あくまで、個人の感想です。 実質的には快楽を享受しご奉仕を頂けている良いご身分とも言えます。

  • 投稿者


    スケベ過ぎんだろ・・・ えー、何も気づかず素直に心配するヒロインと、何か大変なことに気づいてしまった彼女がもう神すぎて、読み終わった瞬間から次を楽しみにしてしまいました 兄は妹を妹は兄を思いやるのが伝わるイチャラブ感がとてもいいです。

  • 投稿者


    具体的には、ヒロイン側からイモガイ風の貝達に胸を差し出してのニプルファック、次に女性器を明け渡しての交尾……なんてのは、ホンの序の口に過ぎません。 今回は大型犬と言う事でヒロインが身長高めです。

[ENG transll. scr.] THEO ~ In The Depths of The Night, With You ~のボイス作品情報

white mist
MP3 / WAV同梱