Custom Order Maid 3D2&2.5+ X1 / 【英語版】カスタムオーダーメイド3D2&2.5+ X1

- Custom Order Maid 3D2&2.5+ X1 / 【英語版】カスタムオーダーメイド3D2&2.5+ X1ってどんな作品?
- Custom Order Maid 3D2&2.5+ X1 / 【英語版】カスタムオーダーメイド3D2&2.5+ X1の評価
- Custom Order Maid 3D2&2.5+ X1 / 【英語版】カスタムオーダーメイド3D2&2.5+ X1はこんな人におすすめ
- Custom Order Maid 3D2&2.5+ X1 / 【英語版】カスタムオーダーメイド3D2&2.5+ X1の画像を紹介
- Custom Order Maid 3D2&2.5+ X1 / 【英語版】カスタムオーダーメイド3D2&2.5+ X1の感想とレビュー
- Custom Order Maid 3D2&2.5+ X1 / 【英語版】カスタムオーダーメイド3D2&2.5+ X1の作品情報
Custom Order Maid 3D2&2.5+ X1 / 【英語版】カスタムオーダーメイド3D2&2.5+ X1ってどんな作品?
The second installment of the "X" series"X1"compatible with the "Kiss Character Edit System" is now available for CUSTOM ORDER MAID 3D2.5.
The "X1" editionwith a honeymoon themeadds a brand-new large-scale scenethe "Wedding Beach & Honeymoon Hotel"and expands the game significantly with new events and Yotogi scenarios in the new "Honeymoon Mode"as well as the addition of new features.Ema proposes that you should take a break to refresh yourself.
Thanks to all the hard work you and the maids put inthe Empire Club now has plenty of resourceschoose a maid with whom you are in a "more than lovers" relationship and head off on your honeymoon journey. You can even hold your wedding ceremony at the beautiful chapel which can be found at your destination. *For those who have added previous wedding-related DLCyou can hold another wedding ceremony even if you are already married to that maid.
After the weddingthe game switches to Honeymoon Mode. *During Honeymoon ModeThe main mode of this DLC"Honeymoon Mode". Sit backrelaxand enjoy your honeymoon with your maid. Play "flirty mini events" at various locations and enjoy the new Yotogi scenario"Honeymoon Yotogi".
During your honeymoonactions are divided into daytime and nighttime.
While in this modea map screen will be displayedand you can select where you want to spend time with your maid on your romantic honeymoon getaway.
- About Honeymoon Events Mini-events will occur at each location. - Pier (fishinglooking at the sea) - Heart Beach (drawing hearts in the sand) - Honeymoon Hotel Living Room (chattingeating) - Honeymoon Hotel Poolside (drinking cocktails) *And more!- New Yotogi Mode "Honeymoon Yotogi" A new Yotogi scenario"Honeymoon Yotogi"has been addedallowing for more free play. In addition to the traditional New Yotogi formatyou can now choose your favorite Yotogi skills from a specific skill group.
The skill groups are split into different themesNTR events will not occur.
Free Mode "X1 Yotogi" In Free Mode- "Yotogi support for My Room" You can now use scenes created with My Room during Yotogi. With this featureyou can load positions from the current scene into the room you createdyou can manually set the position for any "activities" during Yotogi.●Scenes 5 new honeymoon-themed scenes have been added. - Wedding Beach - Honeymoon Hotel - Hidden Cove - Overwater Cottage - Shower Room
●Costumes & Hairstyles More costumes for the maidsfor the male characterand hairstyles for the male character have been added.
For Maids - Wedding Dress set - Vacation Summer Dress set - Wedding Lingerie underwear set * Compatible with Normal body and High-poly body
For Male Character - Tuxedo set - Wild Back hair - Long Wolf Cut hair * Only compatible with "Kiss Character Edit System"Playing this work requires the base "CUSTOM ORDER MAID 3D2" game and is for those who meet the following three types of installation requirements:
1. If you have installed "CUSTOM ORDER MAID 3D2" + "Kiss Character Edit System": all contents added in this work "CUSTOM ORDER MAID 3D2&2.5+ X1" can be played.
2. If you have only installed "CUSTOM ORDER MAID 3D2": all contents other than those using the high-poly body and male body added in this work "CUSTOM ORDER MAID 3D2&2.5+ X1" can be played.- InnocentangelicPuppy-like Girl - SeriousprudishResponsible Girl - Dignified but occasionally affectionate Older sisterCautionsIn order to play this gameIn order to playyou must have "CUSTOM ORDER MAID 3D2" (VJ01000695) or a set that includes "CUSTOM ORDER MAID 3D2" installed on your PC.
Custom Order Maid 3D2&2.5+ X1 / 【英語版】カスタムオーダーメイド3D2&2.5+ X1の評価
Custom Order Maid 3D2&2.5+ X1 / 【英語版】カスタムオーダーメイド3D2&2.5+ X1はこんな人におすすめ
- 3D作品に興味がある人
- メイドでヌキたい人
Custom Order Maid 3D2&2.5+ X1 / 【英語版】カスタムオーダーメイド3D2&2.5+ X1の画像を紹介
もっと見るCustom Order Maid 3D2&2.5+ X1 / 【英語版】カスタムオーダーメイド3D2&2.5+ X1の感想とレビュー