
VenusBlood FRONTIER International 英語版 R-18版

VenusBlood FRONTIER International 英語版 R-18版


VenusBlood FRONTIER International 英語版 R-18版ってどんな作品?

* This product is the official English version of 「VenusBlood FRONTIER International R-18版」.The contents of the game are the same as (VJ012976)「VenusBlood FRONTIER International R-18版」but translated into English.
Warning:The DLsite version of this game will have mosaics implemented during explicit scenes in accordance with Japanese Law.
■Story...Gods in heavendemons on earthand a giantfloating continent inhabited by humans.The continent known as the "Floating Continent of Yggdrasil" is also considered a floating miniature garden of the gods.
It is a place where the human survivors of the great war livethe continent closest to the realm of the gods.The Dark Lord Surt who has his eyes set on that continent said this to his heirs:
"The one who brings me the Heart of Yggdrasil said to be safeguarded by the goddesses on the Floating Continent of Yggdrasil shall be the heir to my throne. As long as you get your hands on the Heart of YggdrasilI will not question your methods or your past transgressions. You are free to make alliances between yourselvessabotageand prove to me your strength and worth!"
Hearing those wordsall having motivations of their ownbegan their invasion of the Floating Continent of Yggdrasil.Among theman ostracized member of the demon nobilityLokihas also decided to participate in the prolonged battle for the throne.
To become the Dark Lord means you will stand above and at the very top of every demon.If corrupting the goddesses said to be as beautifuland elegant as a flower in full bloom will be the key that leads to him gaining the thronehe saw no reason not to participate.
5 invading demonsand 5 goddesses fighting back. All the pieces have fallen into place.All that remains is for him to wager his own existence in this battle and fight.In a continent caught in a whirlpool of chaos and ambitionbuilding armies with unique synergies to overwhelm your foes!

Create teams consisting of up to 6 units with varying skillsets into a divisionallowing you to freely form teams tailored to your liking.
In order to not be defeated by your enemiesthe goddessesand rival heirsyour army composition will become a very important part of your strategy.
■Base InvestmentMake full use of your conquered lands and develop them!

As the war on the Floating Continent of Yggdrasil continuesthe land you conquer will only continue to grow.
Production of food and procurement of resources are important factors that keep an army running.Build structures on captured territory according to the needs of your armywhether it be facilities that generate more goldfoodmagicresourcesor training grounds for your soldiers.
■BattlesConquer Yggdrasil!

Invade the country governed by the goddessessubjugate their capital cityor domination?

Will you befriend the captured goddessesor will you corrupt themturning them into loyal servants who answer to your every whim?

■CorruptionCorrupt the goddessesand have them reborn as fallen goddesses!

Corrupt the virtuousgallant goddesses into depravityand they will become stronger and more loyal pawns.
If you want a goddess that specializes in battleyou can even break the mind of a goddessturning her into a mindless doll or even a battle-crazed berserker!

■Military Preparation/GrowthOutfit your subordinates with equipmentand raise them to become stronger!

As units gain experiencetheir status parameters will grow even higher.
The stronger your units getthe easier battles will become!

■The Routes of Law and ChaosHarmony or Pandemonium? Do the ends justify the means? You decide...
Depending on your decisions throughout the gameyour Law and Chaos ratings will change.Depending on your choiceshow the story progresses could change...As well as the ultimate ending to your ambition.
■Multiple EndingsVirtuousCorruptedMindbroken... Decideand lead the goddesses towards a new FRONTIER!

Both the Law and Chaos routes have unique endingsas well as sub endings for specific heroines!

Do you opt to maintain peace and settle down with your most beloved heroine...Or do you opt to throw the world into chaosruling as the new Supreme Ruler and keeping all the women to yourself?【Windy War Deity】●Tyrca(CV:三郷綾夢)The goddess of the eastern sky who governs over springTyrcais the third daughter of the 4 goddesses.She is also known as the "Windy War Deity".She governs commercelivestockand dance from within the Trade Nation of Edda located on the east side of Yggdrasil among the grasslands.She is said to be a goddess who brings hope and harmony.As she is still a young goddessshe is a little naive. Howevershe is a compassionate maiden who harbours deep affection for humankind.She herself is very much aware of the fact that she is still lacking as a goddessand she strives to better herself everyday in order to better guide humankindmostly though trial and error.One could say that the lively atmosphere of her country is a reflection of her own personality. 【Harvest Moon Deity】●Freya(CV:佐藤玲羅)The goddess of the western sky who governs autumnFreyais the eldest daughter of the 4 goddesses.She is also known as the "Harvest Moon Deity".She governs agricultureartand academics (records and history included) from within the Agricultural Nation of Folkwhich is known for having the highest population of humans and is also considered the wealthiest nation. She is said to be a goddess who brings blessings and development.Apart from Odinshe is the one in charge of the 4 goddesses as the eldest daughter. As a resulther authority among the 4 goddesses is the highest. She gives off a very gentle aura and even against her enemiesshe will never break from a smile. She is a very tolerant goddess and is considered the symbol of maternity.While she does not express her emotions very oftenit is agreed upon by her sisters that she is the scariest when you anger her. 【Luminous Lightning Deity】●Thor(CV:有賀桃)The goddess of the southern sky who governs summerThoris the second eldest daughter of the 4 goddesses.She is also known as the "Luminous Lightning Deity".She is a broadminded warrior goddess who governs over militarymining and hunting from within the Military Nation in the south among the forestsThrudheim. She is said to be a goddess who inspires bravery and bestows military mightallowing humanity to fight evil.While the military nation she governs is a matriarchal societyThor herself likes and respects those who are strongregardless of their gender. Sometimeseven to the point of rewarding them.When the demons invadedshe decided that she would be the one to bear the brunt of the assault and dives into battle without any hesitation. 【Glacial Guardian Deity】●Rigret(CV:桃也みなみ)The goddess of the northern sky who governs over winterRigretis the youngest daughter of the 4 goddesses.She is also known as the "Glacial Guardian Deity".She governs craftsfishing and music (traditional ones included) from within the Snow Nation in the north surrounded by sub-zero temperatures and snowstormsGlads. She is said to be a goddess who tests the strength and perseverance of humanity.As might be expected of the youngest sister of the 4 goddessesher youth stands out. While she puts up a facade as a symbol of worship and a perfect goddess who guides humanityshe relies very much on her sisters and is very dependent on them. 【Highest Heavenly Deity】●Odin(CV:安堂りゅう)The protector of the Holy Land of Valhalla situated in the middle of the Floating Continent of Yggdrasil. The highest deity who looks down on humanity from on high.Leaving the protection of Yggdrasil to the 4 goddesses she createdshe only descends onto Yggdrasil whenever there is an emergency or something is in urgent need of her attention. In many waysshe can be considered the arbitrator who eradicates any and all problems with her overwhelming power.She was originally a god with the body of an adult and had overwhelming divinity which is often said to be equal in power to Surt.After Ragnarokand the creation of the Floating Continent of Yggdrasil as well as the creation of the 4 goddessesshe has exhausted all of her powers. As a resultshe has now reverted to a more youthful formand has lost some of her memories of yore.


VenusBlood FRONTIER International 英語版 R-18版の評価

VenusBlood FRONTIER International 英語版 R-18版はこんな人におすすめ

  • 巨乳/爆乳を探している人
  • 触手を愛している人
  • つるぺたが好きな人
  • 貧乳/微乳を愛している人
  • 異種えっちでヌキたい人

VenusBlood FRONTIER International 英語版 R-18版の画像を紹介



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VenusBlood FRONTIER International 英語版 R-18版の作品情報
