
Elvis Bias -Story about me, hypnosis and monster girls-

Elvis Bias -Story about me, hypnosis and monster girls-


Elvis Bias -Story about me, hypnosis and monster girls-ってどんなゲーム?

"** Summary
The world that the most of the countries were destroyed by the second Noahs flood.All most of the technologies were lost andthe world was filled with monsters (and monster girls)......
The Demon lord emerged not to destroy this world but to save it......This is a story focusing on a boy in a village in such a world......
Elvis" a boy who is a genius swordsman had never lost in his village.However when he went to exterminate the bee monster he was completely beaten and raped by the mosnter.And his is gradually crushed.......
A lot of naughy misfortunes (Pleasure) hit Elvis.In a series of misfortunes(humiliation insult male rape endless ejaculations) Elvis meets a hypnosist and becomes her diciple.After overcoming rigorous training(a number of male insults.....) Elviswho became a hypnosist vows to use hypnosis to save people.
Eventually he met the Demon lord who also mastered hypnosis and they have a hypnotic battle..... The fate of the two who tries to change the world with hypnosis is......
** Characters
ElvisMain hero (Male). He is a very talented swordsman. He prefer Japanese style swords to western ones.He is smart but lacks experieneces.He also has a natural talent in hypnosis.As for sexual things he has an age-appropriate interest but since he has no experience he react just as a virgin.He has a high pride and is proud of himself as a genius " but he also has the honesty to reflect on his conducts.
AnginettaElvis older sister.She is a beautiful girl and has a good style so of course she is very popular in the village" but since she is interested only in Elvis so her beauty is like a useless treasure.However she never spoils Elvis and she makes good use of candy and whip which are sometimes harsh and sometimes gentle and she always treats Elvis first.She is sometimes out of control about her brother " that is her only flaw.
SaraElviss hypnosis teacher.An adult attractive hypnotist with a glamorous body.He lives lonely in a once-destroyed town and has a misanthropic ideology.Although she is strict with Elvis" she sometimes shows him kindness.In the past hypnosis caused an auwul tragedy for her " since thenshe hates teaching hypnosis to others.She is always worried about how to use hypnosis and shes still looking for the answer.
** Game(RPG)
This is a male rape RPG that a man is raped by moster girls.Insult" male rape bondage male rape humiliation word teasing by monster girls...They insult a boy in a fierce situatiuon!

Even if he cry or scream " monster girls wont stop insulting him until they get satisfied.There is also a male rape situation in which the mother turns into a monster.Can he bear theendless ejaculation hell....or" collapse......
The game part is not difficult and grinding is not necessary.This is a multi-ending game.


Elvis Bias -Story about me, hypnosis and monster girls-の評価

Elvis Bias -Story about me, hypnosis and monster girls-はこんな人におすすめ

  • おっぱいが好きな人
  • ハーレムでヌキたい人
  • 色仕掛けに興味がある人

Elvis Bias -Story about me, hypnosis and monster girls-の画像を紹介



Elvis Bias -Story about me, hypnosis and monster girls-の感想とレビュー

  • 投稿者


    目標はあれど、淫乱的な体験を提供してくれる良作。 ブッカケ差分とかあるとより捗るのですが残念です。 ドット絵でいろんなところでエッチしているのを眺めているだけです。

  • 投稿者


    勿論、絵柄については意見が分かれるかもしれません、某作とあまりにも相似したデザインがされていることに驚く方もいるでしょう。 ハーレムの難易度は、回避動作の性能が高いので、冷静に対処すればさほど詰まらないと思います。

  • 投稿者


    個人的にショタに追加されたコスチュームが非常に好みでした。 とにかく言いたいのは、ボリュームがものすごいと言う事。 面白さについては是非体験していただきたいので個人的なポイントをサラッと出させていただく。

  • 投稿者


    よって、女性の形を持った肉体を使う、と言う感じではなく、ショタの女性を犯す、と言う感じで以て事が進みます。 やはり絵が変わるので通しで見るとあれ?と思うことがある。 特に、親しい人とするときの秘めやかな演技は最高でした。

  • 投稿者



  • 投稿者


    幻想的なモン娘に捕まった勇者は、彼女から逃れることができるのか……?という内容の、メタ要素を多分に含んだ謎解き作品です。 とにかく淫乱をエロく眺めたいってのならいい感じなのかな?

  • 投稿者


    長々と書いてしまいましたが、作品内容とサムネイルを見て気に入った方であれば買って損は無いと思います。 (レビュー時点の情報です、パッチ等で変更があれば申し訳ありません) 値段が安い1,320円ですよ。

  • 投稿者


    たとえコンプリート出来なくてもCi-enさんの所でヒントが載っているそうなのでそこまで気にする必要はないかと思います。 そして何よりめちゃめちゃエロいですから。

  • 投稿者



Elvis Bias -Story about me, hypnosis and monster girls-のゲーム情報
