HARO: Tale of the Western Country (English translated version) ver1.91

- HARO: Tale of the Western Country (English translated version) ver1.91ってどんなゲーム?
- HARO: Tale of the Western Country (English translated version) ver1.91の評価
- HARO: Tale of the Western Country (English translated version) ver1.91はこんな人におすすめ
- HARO: Tale of the Western Country (English translated version) ver1.91の画像を紹介
- HARO: Tale of the Western Country (English translated version) ver1.91の感想とレビュー
- HARO: Tale of the Western Country (English translated version) ver1.91のゲーム情報
HARO: Tale of the Western Country (English translated version) ver1.91ってどんなゲーム?
#### Definitely one of the most addictive hentai games you can find on the web!!! ###
This game combines the Shisen-style puzzle game with erotic training!There are many elaborate systems for you to explore.The fine qualities of a game that is both simple and deep are enhanced by the various gimmicks.To put it simply this is a game that promises many hours of fun!The big-breasted well-rounded girls in this game are fated to be turned into slutty sex addicts by your cock.
# Shisen-style puzzle game that makes of a good brain exercise. Play two or three games a day for the best result.# If you simply want to enjoy the sexual aspect of the game the peeping mode is for you!# Sex system that brings back all the mysteries of the human body.Example:Orthodox: Use fellatio to get yourself ready then shoot your load in her pussy.Kinky: Use her asshole to get yourself to your limit then finish in her pussy.# Come inside her to make her pregnant then use the pregnancy system to create the child of your choice!# Treasure boxes will appear among the tiles enhancing the game experience.They contain all sorts of items that will make themselves useful at night!--------------------------Unrelated story A tale of a lone soldier who sends women into depravity.
translation: ponidog (With the help of deepL)2021.7/28 ver1.91 (Equivalent to the Japanese version."The Island of the Dark Elves The Immortal Giants.Multiple additional sex scenes extra manpower for the bonus harem etc.)translation:CuriousFactory2015.7/15 ver1.59 (bug fix and new sex parts untranslated added and more)2014.4/4 ver1.56 (bug fix " and new sex parts untranslated added). thx report.2014.3/29 HARO ver1.552008.4/10 HARO_ver1.53--------------------------
This game was developed on AliceSofts System 4.0.Ogg Vorbis is Copyrightc2001" xiphophorus. All right reserved.Search Keywords (double angles Nikaku-dori Shisen 2- card capture) この作品は「葉露(RJ023758)」と内容の重複があります。
HARO: Tale of the Western Country (English translated version) ver1.91の評価
HARO: Tale of the Western Country (English translated version) ver1.91はこんな人におすすめ
- 巨乳/爆乳でヌキたい人
- お尻/ヒップに興味がある人
- エルフ/妖精が好きな人
- パイズリを愛している人
- 感動に興味がある人
HARO: Tale of the Western Country (English translated version) ver1.91の画像を紹介
もっと見るHARO: Tale of the Western Country (English translated version) ver1.91の感想とレビュー
プレイ時間は短くてもすぐに犯されるので抜きゲーとしてはなかなか良い?マップも広くなくわかりやすい。それと女の子がいい。ステージによって敵が異なるが基本この2種類しかなく、動きも各キャラ 1パターンずつ。ゲームの内容は謎解きが中心で、地味に「なるほど……!」となる難易度です。