Cosmic Abduction [ENG Ver.]
Cosmic Abduction [ENG Ver.]ってどんなゲーム?
Heroine Natsuki is suddenly abducted by mysterious aliens and taken to a far-away planet.If she has any hope of getting back to Earth " shell need to explore this strange city full of alien races.
A 2D ero action RPG complete with mini-games" dress-up and character-building elements!
- Featuring fully-voiced female characters and fully-animated H scenes (with cross-sections)!- Full-screen character voices and cross-sections an all be toggled.- Contains lots of events and H scenes for the various female characters in the townThe more you explore the more H there is top be found!?
GenresBunny hostess pole dancing prostitution gangbang naked roaming futanari sleep sex and more H situations!
CVsKotoza - https://note.com/cotochannoMomoyo Akiba - http://gold115.u-me.jp/momo115/Ao Inukai - http://inukai.grrr.jp/top.htmlChiroru Oyama - http://konokomi.ciao.jp/Rio Kisaka - http://vocelista.sakura.ne.jp/matamota/index.htmlAruha Kotone - https://kotoneak.wixsite.com/mysitePoplar Sawano - http://poplartree.blog.fc2.com/Yuzuha Nagase - http://yuzuha88.blog137.fc2.com/Tatsuya Nakashima - http://www1.winknet.ne.jp/~fire-crystal/
* Please test the trial version before purchase to confirm compatibility. 90+ H scene cuts25+ dress-up variation cuts
Contains full videos with speed-adjustment and ejaculation variations.
Scenes feature not only the heroine but also a variety of unique sub-characters.Situations include shota futanari lesbian prostitution tentacles machine sex AV filming and more! Enjoy gangbang games maid servicing and more in the city. Earn money and raise your stats through a variety of mini-games.
Featuring 6 dress-up options!
Uniform maid bunny girl dancer naked futanari!
There are also special games and quests for each outfit!
All videos are unlocked from the moment you start the game!Featuring speed-adjustment ejaculation button zoom and cross-sections!
All videos are viewable from the start of the game so you can enjoy this work with just the bonus content.
Playtime: Approx. 5 hours
Enjoy a deep story and interesting quests featuring a variety of interesting characters!
Cosmic Abduction [ENG Ver.]の評価
Cosmic Abduction [ENG Ver.]はこんな人におすすめ
- 複数プレイ/乱交でヌキたい人
- きせかえを探している人
- 女主人公でヌキたい人
Cosmic Abduction [ENG Ver.]の画像を紹介
もっと見るCosmic Abduction [ENG Ver.]の感想とレビュー
写真を別に公開して頂けますか? ありがとうございました!まずタイトルの通り、主人公は複数プレイ/乱交の娘です。敵出現数は申し分ないので、敵の動きパターンを もう少し増やせないか。目標はあれど、複数プレイ/乱交的な体験を提供してくれる良作。しっかり理解して進めていかないと、詰まってしまうかも。
今後のゲームも期待しています^^かり首にすら隙間なくぴったりと吸いつくやわらかさ。女主人公としてのクオリティは非常に高く、ボイスとの親和性も非常に高いのですが、体験版でもわかる通り視点の調整がかなり難しいです。そして、今後の作品でもキャストとしてコトザ / 秋葉モモ代 / 犬飼あお / 大山チロル / 貴坂理緒 / 琴音 有波 / 沢野ぽぷら / 長瀬ゆずは / 中島達也さんの起用をぜひともお願いしたいです。