
Deep Sea Death [English Ver.]

Deep Sea Death [English Ver.]


Deep Sea Death [English Ver.]ってどんなゲーム?

* This is the English version.
The deep ocean is beautiful.It is a mystical world that can only be known by people who have been to its depths.It is a world where in addition to satisfying your curiosity you can be submerged by danger or swallowed by fear.
You know that sometimes fish can attack humans right?Sharks in the sea piranhas in lakes - you have heard of fish that attack humans.It is not well known but men and women are attacked differently.Men are just caught like bait.
However women are seen as vessels (raped).In biological terms this is known as "fish rape".
We still do not understand this scientific mechanism.Do their diver suits which show a clear body line excite the creatures in the sea? Does the love juice excreted from the crotches of the girls spread in the sea and do they smell that odor? There are many theories.However if we think that all creatures including humans come from the sea it may not be such a strange thing.Female genitals progressed in abalone and it is deny to say that their squirting function is remnants of that.
So how are women fish-raped?When women are attacked by the fish nearly always the fishes genitals enter the female genitals.In particular killer whales and sharks have large genitals and if human women have those genitals inside them " they wont stand a chance.Swimming in the water" they use up all their oxygen and die.
Octopus and squid catch women with their strong tentacles and steadily rape them.Of course " finally women run out of oxygen and die.
You cant even underestimate small fish.It is said that as many as 150 women divers are raped by fish and die every year.
Now we are in an age where it is easy to go diving" so knowledge of the deep ocean and the guidance of experts is required.
How to swim
Swim left and right using "Left arrow" "Right arrow".
*Using the right-click of the mouse during a "sex event" removes the deep sea effects.If you want to see clear CG please remove the effects.
You are girl who likes diving so decided to go down deep one day.Even if you panic and try to get back to land there are countless fish who will smell the scent of a woman.
In this game you swim in the sea and escape on to land.You can experience just how scary this place can be for a girl.
There are a total of 12 scenes.
This is a game made to have more of a sense of presence and atmosphere than an ordinary game.There is the BGM that suddenly resounds in the silent deep sea and the fish that attack you.If you are caught you will die In one go.
There are three ways you can die.There are a total of 19 large volumes for each event. They are all different.
(1) Suffocation from fish rape (illustration)(2) Suffocation from fish rape (animation)(3) Tragic death by being bitten off
For (3) you should beware of its grotesqueness but we hope you enjoy the bloodcurdling atmosphere of the deep sea.
The differences are in the raped face letting out a scream while attacked the suffocated face while being raped and finally the dead face.It depicts the fear of the deep sea where ordinary women can be attacked by fish and killed.
Fish rape illustrations: 10Fish rape Ryona illustrations: 23D erotic animations: 7
*There are differences in the fish rape illustrations. Fish rape-->suffering-->suffocation
The voice actors include difficult voices where they let out suffocated screams time and time again.Enjoy this new type of erotic voice. This product contains overlapping content with the following works:"Deep Sea Death (RE154095)""Deep Sea Death Chinese Ver. (RE277795)"


Deep Sea Death [English Ver.]の評価

Deep Sea Death [English Ver.]はこんな人におすすめ

  • リョナを探している人
  • 鬼畜を探している人
  • 血液/流血を愛している人

Deep Sea Death [English Ver.]の画像を紹介



Deep Sea Death [English Ver.]の感想とレビュー

  • 投稿者


    異種姦を謳っていますが、現行バージョンだと「着衣」or「全裸+一部の子はヘアアクセなどが残る」と言ったほうが正しいかもしれません。 えっちシーンは全て拘束系でとてもエロい。

  • 投稿者


    状態異常は常時あるものと考えてください。 捕獲した冒険者に魔物を産ませることで入手でき、その魔物を強化したり特定の冒険者を襲わせたりといったことができます。 はっきり言って、鬼畜エロには期待しないでください。

  • 投稿者


    これだけヒロインに魅力があって、自由な遊びができるゲーム。 もし購入に迷ってる方いらっしゃればまずは体験版だけでも是非やってみてください。 ただまあダクソとかやってるとこれぐらいは慣れます。

  • 投稿者


    そしてそんなエロBSに苛まれながらも負けずに立ち向かう(そしてよりひどいエロBSをもらう) 初めは出て来る敵の量に戸惑ったが、慣れてきたりレベルアップすると 大体対処できる。

  • 投稿者


    種族やらパラメーターの違う女の子を買い、育てながら客を取らせてケアを怠らずといった感じで手さぐりで進めていくことになります。 触手やスライムもありましたが普通に人っぽい幽霊や魔物が多い印象でした。

  • 投稿者


    この値段で相応のシステムとくすぐりシーンはコスパいいと思います。 一応純愛シーンもアプデにより追加されており、人を選びますが寝取られとしては良い作品です。

  • 投稿者



  • 投稿者



  • 投稿者


    鬼畜の女の子が大きなガトリングを抱えて異界を突き進む鬼畜ゲーム。 何気にフルボイスなのも良ポイントで、鳴坂みあさんのねっとり甘い声音はまさに男をダメにするサキュバスそのもの。

Deep Sea Death [English Ver.]のゲーム情報
