




"** Story **
Earth was suddenly attacked and invaded by the mystery of mechanical soldiers.Snows father Dr.Fred was developing weapons to counter with machine soldiers but was killed.Snow was left with large amount of debt and unfinished mobile weapon Liderc.Snow that has been chased after by debt collectors and will choose to fight as a corporate mercenary.
** Mixture of serious mechanical action and erotic story **
Pretty girls will get on mobile weapons and kick machine soldiers asses!!SF action game with classic charms.Once a mission is cleared" you will be able to release erotic scenes with cute heroines.Once your level rises you will be able to make money with prostitutions and sex.For the retail version full size CG collection (1600 x 1200 pixels) are recorded.There is also a trial mode for hardcore gamers.
** simple operation and customization is available for both advanced and beginners **
Operation of the game only requires rising and movement. The enemy that has entered the sight will be attacked automatically.You can also enjoy the exhilarating battle action with a keyboard without any troubles.It is also compatible with game pads(DirectInput is recommended)The aircraft can be enhanced with customization. However the cost will increase and the reward will decrease.Once you cleared the stage your level will and HP and SP will rises.For those who do not enjoy action games can also proceed by playing it steadily.
** Environmental Action **Verified OS: Windows10 7 Vista " XPMust be above DirectX9.0cScreen size: 640 x 480 pixelsMade with Action editor 4
** Character setting and explanation **
- SnowEnergy researchers Dr.Freds daughter.A sole pilot who is capable to use Anti-mechanical soldiers annihilate mobile weapon Liderc.From the meteorite attack five years ago" she was injured badly which was about to kill her but " she miraculously survived.Snows father" " Dr.Fred has beenstudying about Grovs technology but" he was killed by machine soldiers.Snow was left with a large debt and "Unfinished Liderc.Snow was resuscitation with Grovs newly built cell technology and" has reborn with semi-immortal body.She has a cell that is the start of a key of Liderc and no other person can move Liderc " nor be deprived by the Grov.Lidercs condition affects Snow and" after the battle it can heat up and make her masturbate.
- SiarinMechanic who is in charge of the adjustment and repair of Liderc.Although she was an refugees who have lost his home from meteorite attack but she was taken in by Dr. Fred and became his assistant.In order to pay back Dr. Fred she is continuing with his research and development as heanalyze remaining materials.Not only as a personnel who is needed to move Liderc but He is emotionally supporting Snow.In order to proceed with the development of strengthening Liderc she is selling her body to the guy from information shop but she is keeping it as a secret to Snow.
- CelessaOriginally she was from a noble family of the kingdom that was destroyed by Grov.She is using corporate structure and hide mercenary troop she is organized and "still fighting against Grov.Celessas corporate entity was fundingDr.Fred.After the death of the doctor" she has suggest snowa way to proceed as corporate mercenaries.She actually has preferences for female as a lesbian and suggest snow to sell her bodyand drag her into prostitution.
- MomijiThe original Agia Co-Prosperity soldiers.After the army was destroyed she became a weapon merchant and cooperated with Grov.Realist and optimist who would choose side based on condition.Prefers hedonistic sex and get gangbang by bunch of guys.Carry out the infiltration work activities while running business with Grov with weapons.As a soldier she has high combat skills and can tame any weapons for land sea and air.While luring in corporate mercenaries into Grov she gathers information about Snow and Liderc.After she attacked snow with her own mobile weapon.After by being defeated by Snow she cuts off her relationship with Grov and joins her team but "she gets caught by Celessa and forced to sell her body.
- Dr. FredSnows father. His title is energy research engineer andGenius doctor with a wide range of knowledge.Continued to study Grov while making large amount of debt" and develops a mobile weapons Liderc that can compete.A little crazy and gets hooked easily and he was not good with other people.Researchers within the same research filed did not come close to Fred.Originally very calm and compassionate character who " loved his daughter Snow madly.Succeeded in analyzing Grovs newly built cells and reproduction technology and" have used it on Snow when she was moribund and brought her back to life.As a result Snow was reborn in an unknown life forms and "was configured as a key of the plasma engine of Liderc.
Anti-mechanical soldiers annihilate mobile weapon Liderc(LIDERC)It was made using Grovs mechanical life form technology.With self-repair Grov core and plasma engine" Semi-permanent combat action is possible.Even when the aircraft is damaged it will recover as time goes by.The output conversion and the Gun pods is capable to exhibit a variety of weapons performances.Since the attack is carried out automatically by the strategy AI Passenger (Snow) can focus on movement and avoiding things.
- GrovGROV = GURDIAN OF HEAVEN (Guardian of heaven)Mechanical life forms that invaded Earth.It identified himself as "heaven guardian" hence it became the generic name.Armed humanoid machine soldiers are the main forces.
- Grov master LazarusThe leader of mechanical life forms Grov.Acts accordingly to the creators will "Enlarge universes dominated spheres and its complete management ." but is also wondering about the meaning of its own existence.While transmitting advanced encrypted message as a warning to the human kinds on earth Dr. Fred was the only one who was able to decode it.After grasping the risk of humanity on Lazarus dropped the meteorite group and started to invade with machine soldiers.Lazarus valued Fred who was able to decode yet considered him as the biggest threat and get an assassin to kill him off but......The unfinished parts of Liderc was scattered hence he could not identify it.Why did Fred develop it.How did he resuscitation his own daughter SnowInterest grew within Lazarus.The hesitation gave chances for Snow and the rest.




  • 陵辱を愛している人
  • 輪姦が好きな人
  • レズ/女同士でヌキたい人





  • 投稿者


    率直に申し上げれば、絵やシステム、演出などは稚拙と感じました。 ヒロインがかわいいと思えるなら十分いけると思います。 の子が、潜入ミッション中に敵に捕まり乱暴される……そんなシチュエーションが好きな人は絶対にプレイすべきです。

  • 投稿者


    お金に困った武闘家のヒロインが酒場で受注したクエストを行うといったストーリーで、淫魔と共存する村で起きた事故を調査救出に行くといった内容です。 また、絵もシチュエーションのなかなかのエロさでかなり抜けます。 のシーンもよかったです。 ゲーム性はなく単調で、どうにかならんものかとイラつかせてくれるのですが、その単調さが没入感を生み出している気がします。

  • 投稿者


    そしてもう一つ注意すべき点だが、エロBSが重なりすぎることで処理がやや重くなりがちという点があげられる。 ゲーム的にはエッチしてるのを眺めるものです。 ほんと。 ひとつにつき16個の言葉を設定できます。 豪華な絵、洗練されたシステム、そのようなものは抜きを助けるものでしかありません。

  • 投稿者


    問題があればエッチで解決しちゃうし、不満があればエッチで解消しちゃうし、仕事が欲しければエッチで稼いじゃうし、ヤリたければエッチをしちゃいますし、じゃなければオナニーもしちゃいます。 常連さんとのやりとりも、幼馴染みのようなテンポ感で、コントのようで笑ってしまいました笑 キャラはおっぱいの大きい子、小さい子、抱き応えのありそうな成年の子に小柄な子と言った具合に7人それぞれにとても魅力的です。

  • 投稿者


    しかしこれが難しく常に主人公の最短ルートをたどって追ってくるのでなかなかかわすのが難しいと思います。 写真を別に公開して頂けますか? ありがとうございました! エロに関してはヒロインごとの差別化が少ないし、そもそも攻略自体も一本道なのでフィールド探索や要素の意味がなくなっている。 短小のままでは得られる量は少ないです。

  • 投稿者


    個人的には一番最後のシーンが特にお気に入りでしたが、どのCGも魅力的なので女の子があられもない姿を期待している方は是非、楽しんで欲しい作品です。 ゲーム部分は簡単なコマンドバトルであり難しい要素は無く、結構マップがつくりこまれているので探索も苦になりません。 ただしものすごく遊びやすいものではないので、このようなゲームに慣れていない方はシーン回収が大変かもしれないです。

  • 投稿者


    のクオリティがまた更にパワーアップしている。 如何せんボリュームが少なすぎるのと、イベントがなさすぎるのでにした意味がほとんどないかなぁと……。 エロシーン回収は比較的に楽に回収できました。 値段と本当に良い意味でクオリティも質も釣り合っていないので、非常にオススメです。

  • 投稿者


    本当に。 そんな光景を俯瞰から観察していろいろ組み合わせたらまた可能性が生まれるかもしれない、そんな作品。

