
[ENG Sub] Genius Actor's Perverted Anal Training - Violated by the Manager's Big Dick...

[ENG Sub] Genius Actor's Perverted Anal Training - Violated by the Manager's Big Dick...


[ENG Sub] Genius Actor's Perverted Anal Training - Violated by the Manager's Big Dick...ってどんなボイス作品?

*This product includes content from the Japanese version of "Genius Actors Perverted Anal Training~ Violated by the Managers Big Dick...~ (RJ252613)"*This product includes English subtitles for the Japanese audio.
An audio work themed around a plain manager x genius actor.Approximately 60 minutes in length with 3 still images included.
*Contains a lot of dirty words. Please be warned.While this is an audio work it also includes explicit illustrations. If you are under 18 " please refrain from purchasing.
Takuto Katsuragi (bottom) CV: Daisuke Shindou
Takutos manager (top) CV: Not voiced
Takuto KatsuragiAn up-and-coming actor. His father is a famous director" and his mother is a world-renowned model. He is a promising young manwho is being touted as having extreme potential by his management agency.He has not experienced much warmth in his life because his parents have always been so busy. He has an attachment to love to an almost unhealthy degree.He has an almost obsessive love towards his manager who supports him in both business and private.He is extremely driven towards his work but in private he is destructive and self-indulgent " with a narcissistic personality.
Track (Total playback: 56:49)
01_The genius actor actually has the worst personality ever?! (4:09)
I hate this!Why the hell do I have to hug that ugly bitch while posing?!Youre one to talk! You know how much Im disgusted by her!You shouldve gotten me the wipes before I even told you to! *Sigh* Whatever. Just hurry up and go.
Geez... Seeing that I even shot a sex scene with that trampy hag" the movie better be a hit.What you siding with that hag " Tohru? Tell me whos more important to you: me or that hag?!

02_How the plain manager tricked me into being raped and turned me into a onahole with his fat dick (16:10)
S-stop! Your cock! Your cock is...! Ah... Huh? My acting? Hahaha...Huh? My acting? Youre too into it" " Tohru. Ngh?! J-just because my ass feels really good doesnt mean...!

D-do I feel good?! Me?! No...! Im supposed to be making you feel good...! Not the other way around!

Calm down a bit" Tohru! You want to feel good too " right?! I-I cant focus if you keep this up! So just let me take the lead...!

Nghhh ahhhh! Stop squeezing my ass! Youre putting pressure both on the outside and inside! My ass feels crazy!

D-dammit...! Dont underestimate me...! I mean... Do you think Ill submit so easily? I have my pride as an actor. S-so no matter how thick... Y-your cock is...Or how intensely you move" or rub my g-spot " I...!

03_How I couldnt stop orgasming during exhibition gangbang play in the park (16:15)
04_How I got with my worlds most beloved manager and came from lovey-dovey impregnation sex (20:18)"


[ENG Sub] Genius Actor's Perverted Anal Training - Violated by the Manager's Big Dick...の評価

[ENG Sub] Genius Actor's Perverted Anal Training - Violated by the Manager's Big Dick...はこんな人におすすめ

  • ボーイズラブに興味がある人
  • 芸能人/アイドル/モデルが好きな人
  • 筋肉を愛している人
  • 調教に興味がある人
  • 連続絶頂に興味がある人

[ENG Sub] Genius Actor's Perverted Anal Training - Violated by the Manager's Big Dick...の画像を紹介



[ENG Sub] Genius Actor's Perverted Anal Training - Violated by the Manager's Big Dick...の感想とレビュー

  • 投稿者


    今回は群を抜いています。 現時点での出演作はこれしか無いという事実に悔しさとともに悲しさも感じています。 やっぱり新堂大輔さんの喘ぎ声は最高だ~。

  • 投稿者


    頑張っちゃう感じ! そして、恋人になったときの2人が本当に幸せそう。 隣人に心許すスピード早すぎませんか! BL音声でダミヘのものがなかなか少ない気がするので、そういう意味でもオススメの作品です! 以前無料版を購入してました。

  • 投稿者


    追試では不器用ながらも一生懸命奉仕するカレ。 そんなこと体に悪いけど、それだけにしては体調崩しすぎ。 恐らく他の方も自分が彼氏だと確信していることだろうと思います。

  • 投稿者


    ありがとうございました! そこんとこの演者さんの才能よ! 某任侠映画のようなガチの広島弁だったら雰囲気も何もなかったと思います。

  • 投稿者


    2人がお互いを思いつつ過ごしていった上でわかる、気持ちのようなもの、そこを私は求めたい! 期待を裏切らない終始鬼畜っぷり。 続編とは言わずとも、また次回作楽しみに待っております!

  • 投稿者


    やっぱり素晴らしかったです! 快感をこらえつつ耐えきれずに喘いじゃう受けくん、かわいかったです。 あの気分の切り替え方とか、通常の発言とも本当によい感じです。 今では何度もリピートするほど聞いています。

  • 投稿者


    催眠が後半になるにつれ強くなり教師である徹郎さんを散々喘がせるわけです。 時々一瞬だけ高くなるのも気持ち良さそうでかわいい。 試聴ボイスがすごかったんです。

  • 投稿者


    全体的にちょこちょこと面白い?ところがあってツッコミが追いつかなくなりました(笑) 余りにハマったので特典目当てに書きます……いやたまんなかったです。 以降はずっととろとろの可愛い感じだったので、2周目聞くとここが新鮮でした。

  • 投稿者


    ここでも二役での出演との事で早速拝聴致しました。 強きな受けと押しの強い攻めとの距離が、どんどん近づいていく感じが文章だけでなくて声で表現されてて聞いてて胸がキュンキュンします。 かわいいです。100点。

  • 投稿者



[ENG Sub] Genius Actor's Perverted Anal Training - Violated by the Manager's Big Dick...のボイス作品情報
