
Superb Slave Massage-Sensitive Erotic Chief is Our Melty Slave-Volume 2

Superb Slave Massage-Sensitive Erotic Chief is Our Melty Slave-Volume 2


Superb Slave Massage-Sensitive Erotic Chief is Our Melty Slave-Volume 2ってどんな作品?

Weekend love training for three people Part 2-Black collar of restraint-Green collar of passion-Red collar of masochism-
Kyoya " who visited Kubotas apartment on the weekend" was forced to masturbate at the front door by him who woke up and was raped by going naked.In the thrill of being noticed by their neighbors the two are connected by a deep word blame.Kyoya who began to eagerly want to make Kubota feel more while spending time borrowing AV with only a coat on her bare skin serves his prostate with his tongue and fingers. was.It wasThe next week Kyoya visits Sudo and has a good time on a slow restaurant date.At his home Kyoya who is jealous of his dog Rain being petted " seduces Sudo with all the charm he can.Sudo writhes Kyoya with a butter dog play to answer Kyoyas dedication.Kyoya" who was carefully embraced by her beloved Sudo crawls naked on all fours the next day " becoming Sudos dog and spending a sweet time. His pubic hair was shaved" and at the end of a lewd enema he was given a dog litter box and was in shame.Forbidden Massage of "El Dorado" -All Special Options-Feeling tired Kyoya revisits "El Dorado".The body that is not held by the three is oil-massaged by young people Eguchi newcomers Saito and Nishinaka the nipples are caressed with the lips and they are blamed with a low-frequency massage machine.Eguchi who dislikes the prostate proposes a more intense sex massage. Kyoya is sweetly entwined and experiences bad real sex.
Retraining of three masters final beauty treatment salon of Eguchi~ Crying pet female dog Kyoya ~Finally the big deal is cleared up and Kyoya heads to the love hotel with the three of them making a naked and embarrassing slave declaration.Kyoya sits in a restraint chair and gets fucked while being stared at the gallery from the corridor where the acrylic skeleton panel is fitted.Later if he visits "El Dorado" he will be invited to a special room. There as many as five men and a video camera are waiting for Kyoya and when they lie on the restraint table a dense semen pack massage starts.With a cotton swab with your fingers with your lips with a scrub with lotion gauze your nipples are bullied with a pink rotor and your penis is messed up with an electric massager.Bonus / Nasty Reverse Bunny Sex Entertainment~ Nasty section chief who falls forever ~Entertainment with Endo Distribution has begun. Everyone who visited the happening bar next to the bar.Kyoya who has become a nasty "reverse bunny" is waiting at the store and asks for a nasty meat entertainment.Kyoya was annoyed and opened her body in front of her three masters and in front of her five trading partners to serve her.
Creative BL novel original electronic limited (English product description provided by the creator.)


Superb Slave Massage-Sensitive Erotic Chief is Our Melty Slave-Volume 2の評価

Superb Slave Massage-Sensitive Erotic Chief is Our Melty Slave-Volume 2はこんな人におすすめ

  • 羞恥/恥辱に興味がある人
  • 複数プレイ/乱交でヌキたい人
  • スーツを愛している人

Superb Slave Massage-Sensitive Erotic Chief is Our Melty Slave-Volume 2の画像を紹介



Superb Slave Massage-Sensitive Erotic Chief is Our Melty Slave-Volume 2の感想とレビュー

  • 投稿者


    このお値段でこのボリュームで、素晴らしく突き抜けたエロス! 気弱で押しに弱そうなパパが、メンヘラ奥様(絡みなし)の借金を肩代わりすべく、2歳児の見ている前でチンピラ達とおせっせされちゃうお話。 一番良かったシーンは玩具プレイです。

  • 投稿者


    シチュエーションが最近のツボにどストライクでした! お馬さんたちによる人権無視尊厳踏みにじりモブレ最高。 人間牧場に出てきたイケメンの先輩がこれでもか!

  • 投稿者


    歳下ワンコ攻め最高。 2人の愛もバッチリあってニヤニヤします。 最初こそツンツンしているゆっきーですが、最後はでろでろに甘えてしまっているめちゃかわDKです。 ムッチムチのお尻とブルンと揺れる股間が最高でした。

  • 投稿者


    すぐに尻に入っている機械が原因だと思い引っこ抜きます。 はやく次のお話もでないかなぁと待ってます! 多分ちょっとエスっ気ある人がこの作品にハマるんじゃないでしょうか。

  • 投稿者


    キャラに関しては、抱かれてる時は完全に心酔しきって心身ともに依存してて少しヤンデレ気味だった。 少女漫画に負けないぐらい可愛い!

  • 投稿者


    普段なに食べてたらこういうの思い付くんですか? 女性器表現や口の軟化などの分量は少な目なのでメス堕ち濃度は比較的薄い方かと。 彼が鈍いのは、相手の気持ち、そして自分の気持ち。

  • 投稿者


    冒頭シーンでは意外と目が鋭かったため、変化具合がよりえっちに感じました。 と思うほどのクオリティーで圧巻です。 しかも今回は長めのカラミもあるのでじっくりと浸れます。

  • 投稿者


    主人公と結ばれたラストのセリフに胸がときめいた。 あと絵画を題材としているだけあって、全体的に画面が綺麗でした。 R-18シーンは言わずもがなですが、配信の雰囲気がとても巧かったです。 褐色雄っぱいは至高です。

  • 投稿者


    そして雄っぱいが……! こちらのシリーズ、初めて読んだのですが最初の導入で説明があったのですんなり入れました。 後編やばい。 終盤になってくると、自ら誘い始めてしまう小悪魔な部分もあり、やっぱり可愛い。

Superb Slave Massage-Sensitive Erotic Chief is Our Melty Slave-Volume 2の作品情報
